“When I decided that 2019 was going to be the year for me doing things that I have wanted to do for such a long time, I had no idea where this concept was going to lead me; I just knew I had to do this for myself. I have wanted to lose weight for oh so long. I couldn’t even tell you when I first thought about it.
Now, I don’t think there is anything particularly extraordinary with my story; but let’s just say life has been really hard on me for the past 10 years or probably longer. This is not an excuse for how I ended up extremely over weight; but simply a fact. Life got the better of me.
As I reflect on my life while writing this story, I feel physically and emotionally exhausted. Living my previous life was more like a million episodes of my own private soap opera drama that would never end.
After many years of me “Missing In Action” I finally feel like I have found myself again. Over the past 15 months I have lost 46.4kgs (yep, a bit over 1/3 of my overall body weight); and I can tell you that the weight that I started at was not something to be proud of; but the goal I have now reached on this 15 month journey certainly is, and brings me to tears with pride, admiration and pure joy.
I now feel like the girl on the inside, who has been invisible for so long, is now shining for all to see on the outside. I feel so much more confident, and ready to tackle anything that comes my way. I don’t feel invisible anymore.
You have to be ready to take this journey and commit to it wholeheartedly. But in saying that there will be some times where you do just splurge or treat yourself; but as you progress further along with your weight loss it becomes easy to get back on track. You start to see the results each and every week, and you know that if you eat right and enjoy your exercise the results will continue to come. I have noticed some of the body changes over this journey have included the increased brightness of my hair and in my eyes, my mind is sharper and my will to do more has certainly increased. I can honestly say that my life has totally changed now, and I am looking forward to what my life will bring for decades to come. I now have so much more energy, no more aches and pains, no more indigestion, no sore knees, no anxiety issues. I can now breathe while walking up mountains literally. In fact, you are flat out finding me sitting still these days. I actually have to use all my willpower to sit down and just vege out on the couch and watch a movie. I am loving spending time outdoors bush walking, walking my dogs, relaxing with family and friends over a good meal or just cooking up a storm, as I have found my love of cooking again.
“I now feel like the girl on the inside, who has been invisible for so long, is now shining for all to see on the outside.“
For more than 20 years I felt lost and was only just existing in this life and in my body. I have always felt like a fit and healthy person on the inside, but have not looked it on the outside. I had so many health & body issues starting to creep in (Like sore knees, bad indigestion, felt sick a lot of the time, always tired, I had breathing issues, anxiety, general aches and pains etc, etc – need I go on?). I was starting to wonder, is this what my life is going to be like, and was this a sign of things to come as I approach 50 years of age? This all made me stop and think, and I knew something had to change.
”I still can’t get my head around being able to walk into ANY clothing store and just buy clothes of the rack; that’s ASTOUNDING and still blows my mind!!!“
As well as the huge physical change, this journey has also brought about some major mindset changes for me. There have been so many times during this positive challenge where I have said to myself, that I couldn’t do something (whether it be a particularly hard exercise, a difficult yoga pose; or even just fitting into a new pair of jeans); but I have pushed through these thoughts and have said to myself “YES YOU CAN” and I have surprised myself by being up to the challenge.
I still can’t get my head around being able to walk into ANY clothing store and just buy clothes of the rack; that’s ASTOUNDING and still blows my mind!!! Going from a size 24/26 down to a size 12/14; I need to remind myself that I no longer need to reach for the larger size in clothes and I will look good in what I choose. I actually enjoy clothes shopping now, whereas before it was something to be avoided at all costs and only done when absolutely necessary.
I also used to HATE having pictures taken, as I knew I would feel disgusted when I saw the photo; but now I can see the positive changes and all my progress in these pictures; and am now taking pictures of myself just to see the positive changes taking place. It’s exciting!!!
There were other mental changes that came with such a big change in weight. Before my weight loss, something as simple as travelling on a plane used to scare me. I could only just fit into the seat and the seat belt was extended to its limit. Once I got buckled up, the belt was so tight, it would cut into me, but there was no way I was going to ask to have the extension piece, from the sheer embarrassment of it. I can now sit in a plane seat comfortably, with room to move, and as for the dreaded seat belt, I now have to tighten it up! This is a totally strange concept to my mind, but I guess this is something I will happily get used to. There are so many simple everyday things like this, which many people would take for granted, that I used to dread.
Before my Kim Beach journey there were always obstacles I would put in the way to delay myself from taking this weight loss journey, including the fact that I have to eat a Gluten & Dairy free diet. I always felt these dietary restrictions were a hindrance to being able to lose weight, as many other weight loss programs I looked at would not allow the flexibility to be adapted for dietary requirements.
When my best friend first told me about Kim Beach and her programs; there was soooooo much that appealed to me about the process. The fact you were eating good healthy food (which could be altered for my gluten and dairy intolerance’s, so easily), you could exercise at home (as I haven’t ever been a person to go to the gym), you could pre-organise your food; I loved the great variety of recipes on offer, which could be whipped up so quickly and easily; NO counting calories; NO weighing of EVERY ingredient. To say I fell in love with it, is an understatement. I have made so many of Kim’s recipes and loved each and every one.
When I first started out I decided I was not going to compromise the exercise that I already did, which was the enjoyment of walking my dogs. I walked them for half an hour or so, 3 to 4 times a week. As I progressed, I added in a weights session once a week, which quickly became twice a week. Before I knew it, I was needing to buy heavier weights!
My best advice is when you start on the exercise, start out at your own pace and build it up as you go. When I first started I struggled to do 3 repetitions of most of the exercises. Some were easier than others, but I persevered and encouraged myself to continue. “Don’t give up”, I would say to myself. I loved the name of the original program “NO EXCUSES”- it pretty much became my motivator. Whenever I didn’t feel like exercising, I would say to myself “No excuses” and push on through. I still use this as my mindset even though I have now moved on to using the App based program, which I am loving. Each week it felt easier to do more exercise; and as the weight came off it became even easier. I remained determined to continue. It is surprising how quickly you can build on it and find yourself picking up a heavier weight or wanting more of a challenge. I have also now added in a yoga session once a week and I am loving all this movement.
I could go on and on about how amazing and good for you this change in lifestyle is, how fantastic the recipes are, and how amazing the support is, but you need to try it for yourself to see.
Whenever I needed a bit more inspiration or motivation along the way I would quite often turn to my best friend, who has been my own personal cheer squad; and also the ladies in Kims Crew or the Life App Group. I can honestly say that the comments, support, advice, events and feedback from the ladies in these groups have inspired and motivated me to continue my journey. I love being part of this community and seeing everyone’s life changes. I only hope that by me sharing my story, it helps you to find your motivation, inspiration and determination to change your life as well.
This is what my healthier, happier life feels like. I look forward to continuing this lifestyle to live my best life.”