Before starting my Kim Beach journey, I had gradually been putting on more and more weight and I had started to show quite a few signs of being perimenopausal. I thought I ate fairly healthy and my exercise consisted of a walk a couple of times a week. I work full time as a Maths teacher and I have a husband (who is a stay at home dad who does some part time work) and two primary school aged children. I had been wondering if there was a way I could manage my life better with nutrition etc so I didn’t feel so exhausted at the end of each school term.
So my friend Elizabeth messaged me asking if I would join her on the Kim Beach programme. I decided that I wanted to give it a go, I wanted to see if there was a programme that I could manage with my lifestyle that would help me lose weight and feel better. The first time I weighed myself was a shock to me as I didn’t realize my weight had got so high, I also decided I needed to be in bed before 10pm on a school night and I would get up at 6am to exercise. I prepped my food each night ready for the next day. In the first week I could only run for about 2 minutes and after 3 weeks I could jog a slow 3km. Within a few weeks I noticed my clothes getting looser and I had more energy.
After 4 weeks I had lost 5 kilos! I also enjoyed getting up early and exercising, it helped me in so many ways as I saw it as my ‘me’ time to just set me up for what my day might bring. So I continued on, sticking to the exercise programme and eating plan about 95% and I can’t believe that after 6 stages of weight loss I have lost 20kgs from my body, 13cm from my chest, 17 cm from my waist and 11cm from my hips! I think I am the strongest and fittest I have ever been at the age of 44 and I recently ran my first 10km fun run. I have had a lot of positive comments as people have seen a difference in my shape. My results have blown me away, I feel healthy and the Kim Beach lifestyle has helped me to manage my lifestyle and stress better. I am so grateful to Kim for designing the app and the program, it has been a life changer for me.