“I started the #noexcuses programme last July after we booked a holiday for my upcoming 40th birthday in September. At the time I was really struggling to accept this milestone birthday and the chronic back pain, food intolerances and reliance on a sugar fix after lunch and dinner was weighing heavily on my mind. Deep down I really didn’t want to spend my 40’s the way I’d spent my 30’s but the reality was that I wasn’t in the right headspace to plan meals, calorie count or weigh absolutely everything, I just needed someone to tell me what to eat, and when to eat it.
I’d heard about Kim Beach’s programme from someone who had successfully lost 10kg’s earlier in the year. I thought that was pretty impressive so I looked it up. It was just what I needed! It’s all laid out for you – the right foods, in the right combinations and at the right time of day. Loads of flexibility to work around my food intolerances and work schedule, simple principles to follow and an exercise plan that provide a really good variation to keep you interested. The #noexcuses programme really appealed to me because it was real food, unprocessed, wholesome, clean.
I committed 100% to the programme, and the BeachFit team helped me adapt some of the exercises to manage back pain. I surpassed my goal with an 11.6kg loss and I had never felt more motivated and determined to get fitter and lose weight, so I jumped straight back into the programme the day we got home from holiday!
Overall I’ve lost over 33 kg’s!
While it’s a weight loss programme, I’ve gained more than I’ve lost. After 4 rounds of #noexcuses I don’t recognise myself. Who is this person? It’s totally mind boggling to think the person in the mirror is healthy, energetic, confident and positive about life. I am proud to have taken responsibility and returned my body to the condition it was designed to be in, and it’s rewarding me every day with energy, clarity and significantly less inflammation and pain. What goes in my mouth is no longer driver by anxiety, emotions or laziness. I’m fitting so much more into my day and love that I am energized by exercise, not fatigued by it.
The private Facebook group is the real gem of this programme. It provided a distraction from sugar cravings and allowed me to connect with other women travelling on similar journeys. Their continued positive encouragement and support was a major contribution in my ability to keep motivated and stay on track. I have made some amazing friends, been able to celebrate other women’s successes like they meant as much to me as they did to them, and I hope I’ve been able to inspire other women to make their health and fitness a priority and realise they are all worthy of feeling amazing, confident and beautiful.
I can’t speak highly enough of the programme Kim has designed – it works no matter your circumstances and no matter your excuses!