“Hi Kim and the amazing Beachfit team,
Im writing in to you all to share the results from my Kim Beach journey.
I remember reading many posts before I started and one particularly resonated with me…..”stay consistent and trust the process as the results will come”. I only happened to stumble upon your programmes by default through Facebook. I remember reading, re-reading and looking at all the ladies who had transformed themselves with your help. I was sold there and then!! I had been looking for something but it was your programme that just jumped out at me.
My husband, son and I moved from Australia to New Zealand just after xmas a couple fo years ago and slowly, slowly I saw myself putting on weight, especially around my mid section. I didn’t have access to a gym as we now live in a quite seaside town and I was way too relaxed with my eating than I should have been.
I knew I had to make some changes but just didn’t know where to start. Along came “Kim Beach” My goal when I started Kim’s program was to lose a little bit of weight, so I could rock my black dress at my 50th in early June.
I was 6 weeks out till my birthday and threw myself into the programme with gusto. I can do this I kept telling myself and to make myself accountable I hung the dress on my bedroom door, so it was the first thing I saw in the morning and last at night.
Well can I say, I rocked my little black dress at my birthday and was overwhelmed by all the compliments I received from family and friends who hadn’t seen me since we moved overseas.
My starting weight was 72.7kg and its now 66.2kg. Ive lost 6.5 kg, have muscles in places I didn’t think were possible and feel absolutely amazing!! I did home training in my garage and the results were above and beyond what I thought could be achieved. I’ve always been relatively fit and weight training was not foreign to me.
The big thing for me was my diet and thinking that having wine every night was ok. By following the eating plan, staying consistent (by no means perfect!) and taking one day at a time, the results did come. I’ve learned so much from doing Kim’s program. I now understand how to fuel my body to keep it lean and powerful. I don’t feel the need to punish myself with stupid amounts of cardio anymore, instead focusing on weight training and mixing it up with HIIT sessions.
A light bulb has been switched on and its like I have finally found the magic formula that works for me. The thing is, its not rocket science. Your programmes are designed for every day women, who want to make a change in their health and wellbeing and in the process become empowered!! I am so lucky I just happened to be scrolling through Facebook that day. I’m sure I’d still be in the same position pre KB if not.
My before and after photos show my transformation. Even I’m a little shocked when I look at my starting and finishing pictures. The results are beyond what I thought was possible in only 8 weeks.
I’m now back into size 10 jeans (its been a while!!) and no looking back now. I plan to re-do weeks 5-8 and from there go to your life programme. I don’t look at this as a short term fix, but now my way of life with how I will eat and exercise. Hopefully my story can inspire other ladies who are sitting on the fence or thinking they cannot do this. I’m no superstar. Just a wife and mother who committed 100% to wanting to change how I looked and felt and followed your fool proof programme.
I’ll shout it to the rooftops…..”Kim Beach’s programmes just work”. Thank you again Kim and the beachfit ladies for all your support and encouragement. Its an awesome programme with an amazingly supportive community.
Yours in fitness, Julie”