ANNE’S 2020 = 20KG GONE!! #186
I started this year 2020 with a decision to make changes in my life. I had already said that this year ‘the new normal’, projecting ahead as I faced turning 60 in November, a new decade needed a new me.
Progressively, the weight had crept on during my 50’s. I realised that I was at a point in my life where change was necessary. I’m grateful that my husband, Bill, decided to join the journey and we became a united team. I had a few drivers of change – we have two little grandsons to keep up with, there are clothes and styles I wanted to wear and future health needed to become a priority.
Wow – mindset is everything!
I had already set aside the year to write my PhD, a fairly solitary activity, getting started at the end of January. In the first week in February, I downloaded the Kim Beach app. We cleared out the pantry of the food that didn’t belong and set up our routines. Then Covid happened. We found the food routines really helpful and I just locked myself into the exercise plans. The Kim Beach program helped to provide a focus and organise my day around the meals and training.
From February to May, I started to see the difference in my weight, as clothes became looser. I embraced running in the training programs. I had been a runner (and a bit competitive) as a child, so decided to see if I could find her again. By the time I’d reached the 6 months mark, Bill and I had each lost 20 kg. Neither of us could believe that this was possible.
As I looked ahead, toward the second half of the year I needed to amp-up the challenge to keep me motivated. I didn’t even know if I could have a birthday party this year. So, I had an idea, I would run 10km to celebrate my 60th birthday, and fundraise for Love Mercy Foundation. I don’t need any stuff. So the running became serious, sponsorship came. I became accountable to my sponsors. By October I had reached the 8km mark, with just two to go.
I am so much more active than I’ve ever been. The program works. It was important for me to prepare food and establish habits, in both diet and exercise. I just locked it in, reprogrammed my brain and trusted the process. Joining the Kim Beach program was the best decision for 2020, I feel great and set myself up for the next decade.