My journey to finding my balance, happiness and contentment.
I did not have a lot of weight to loose but it was at a time I when I wasn’t feeling my best. I was run down, felt tired most of the time and got sick easily. This made it very difficult for me to be able to keep up with my family, full time work and be the person I wanted to be. I knew something needed to change, I needed something for me and I needed to remember how to look after me once again, but was unsure how to go about this. My usual methods of watching what I ate and exercising were no longer working.
I’d seen the Kim Beach program on Facebook and was intrigued. I did some further reading on Kim’s website. Kim’s balanced approach to food and training appealed to me straight away, that and the inspirational success stories. There had been ladies just like me that didn’t have a lot to lose and had achieved amazing results. I loved how happy they looked. Could I dare to dream of losing the extra kilos, getting a tight and toned body and be as happy and content like these ladies had looked?
The hardest decision was deciding to do it, the rest was easy as Kim had done all the hard work for me. I loved how clearly everything was laid out for me. Each day I knew what I had to eat and what training I had to do, and all of this could be done easily from the comfort of my own home. Kim had set me up for success with #noexcuses by creating new routines and habits, but it was the Kim Beach Community support that was the vital key. The support of Kim, Kim’s team and the other amazing ladies really helped motivate and encourage me each day to reach my goals. After 2 rounds (16 weeks) of #noexcuses I lost 3.1kg and a total of 31.5cm from my measurements. My body shape had transformed beautifully.
Then there was a new struggle that began the dance of trying to keep those few kilos off. I didn’t really know where to go next…. #nolimits? #noexcuseslife? Surely I had been so strict with following the #noexcuses program for 16 weeks, I should know what to do from now on? Did I really want to start another program? Surely I could relax a little? My measurements hardly changed but the kilos did, at any given time I was back within the 3kgs, the same 3kgs I had worked so hard to loose. This did mess with my mind at times. So 12 months later I decided to join the Kim Beach Life App and I have just loved it! I have access to all of Kim’s programs, Weight loss, Shred and Maintenance that I can change at any time, as well as the support of the Kim Beach community. It felt like I was home again and I was back in my happy place immediately, with my KB family. I had once again found the missing key component to my success and that was the amazing support from the KB ladies.
Firstly I started with Maintenance while I was training for the Sydney City2Surf. Luckily I had kept up my fitness and I was so surprised that I was able to complete 12km runs each week and achieve fantastic pace. This would have only been possible by the increased fitness I had gained since doing #noexcuses. A few weeks later I completed the 14km run – City2Surf and I was ecstatic! The very next day I changed my goal in the Kim Beach Life App and moved into Weight Loss.
I enjoyed Weight Loss. I then learnt how to incorporate my food and training into my everyday life, including going out and staying on plan. I was able to feel good in my own skin again. I was even lucky to have been chosen to win the #BeachFit challenge 114. Life was good; I felt comfortable once again and was even able to feel confident wearing my bikini while on my holiday. ‘Ok I’ve got this’; ‘I can do this on my own’. Christmas came & went. Another holiday enjoyed. I did continue to train and follow the Kim Beach principles. I enjoyed this way of life. But yet, something was missing. I came home and signed up to the Kim Beach Life App again in January, but this time I challenged myself and changed my goal to Shred and have been doing it for the last 6 months.
This year has brought fantastic opportunities for me that included being chosen to be a Kim’s Crew Ambassador in my area and I being able to have met some other amazing Kim Beach ladies in real life. These friendships are real and are simply the best! And as for my results since first starting my Kim Beach journey….I am happy to say that I have been able to go back to achieving my initial results and have been able to maintain them this time round with the added bonus of gaining balance, happiness and contentment in my life.
For me this is really ‘MY’ way of life and I thrive on being a part of such an amazing and inspirational community.
I have come to realise that my measurements of success is to ‘FEEL’ happy, healthy, fit and fabulous. I have been very successful in my life. I have a wonderful and supportive husband, a beautiful family, a very rewarding career and the missing piece of the puzzle is the Kim Beach way of life and the support of the ladies. For me this is really ‘MY’ way of life and I thrive on being a part of such an amazing and inspirational community. Big dreams can come true, anything is possible.
Thank you Kim, Kim’s Team and all you amazing ladies!
Forever grateful,
Monica xx #livingmybestlife