I started the KB app on 1st January 2020 after being done with lack of energy and all the extra weight I carried after my 2 pregnancies. I had completed 1 round of no excuses around 2 years ago and then found out I was pregnant so the weight slowly came back and I was the heaviest I have ever been at 75kg. This might not sound like a lot but I am small (155cm) and all the extra weight I carried was affecting my health and my self-esteem.
I have lost 14kg so far but I am still on my weight loss journey, and would like to lose another 3-4 kg but I have not been so focused on numbers anymore. My focus now is how I feel everyday and of course my clothes!
Exercise has become enjoyable again, and so therapeutic as this is MY time away from everybody and just focusing on myself. Being a mum of two I find I need this time for myself and just me to recharge.
I still enjoy my occasional treats (hello chocolate) and if I see I am loosing focus I just reach out to the girls on the support group and oh my! What a support!
So refocusing on me and subscribing for the app was the best decision I’ve made for myself in a long time. I knew the principles well enough but needed guidance with the meals and exercise and that is what I love about it! You have everything laid out for you!
For whoever is wondering where to start and if this works I can say… take one day at a time, and yes this works.
Thank you Kim for this amazing program and for guiding us through a healthier path!