My story sounds a lot like many others. Little & big bumps in our lives lead to creeping in of habits that do not serve us well. I have always been one for exercise and activity with gym, cycling, walking and or some sport as a participant or coach in my life. I’m not a big TV watcher, however have no problem sitting for hours sewing, painting, plying my guitar or generally pottering around with something.
I work as a clinical nurse consultant and had a mixture of clinic time when I was on my feet and moving lots, to office time wiggling a mouse and tapping a keyboard or on the phone for hours. However in the past few years my role has changed to 12hour shifts, day and night and sitting on telehealth calls all shift.
The transition in and through peri menopause was not an easy ride for me with hot flushes 20 plus times a day. The lack of sleep, irritability and lack of partner support finally led to the amicable end of my 29 year marriage and starting on HR.
I have spent many hours improving my mental and physical health with counselling and psychic healing sessions and have certainly come along way spiritually. With all this healing I still was a bit too heavy handed on the booze and although I ate fairly heathy, my portion sizes had grown and I no longer was the same body shape. My body weight was up a bit; however I had morphed from a pear shape - no boob or waist to a waist butt and thigh shape. To add insult to injury, nothing I did in terms of weight loss seemed to help long term.
I had been on the KB program in 2019 however my gains were gradually chiselled away during the stressors of nursing in the pandemic. So here I was ready to take another shot at it end of 2022. I had some success, this time although was limited by my deteriorating knee joint. I attended the KB retreat in NZ Nov 22 and had a great time. Was determined to get myself sorted and made the decision to have a total knee replacement.
My motivator was now intact!
Nov/Dec 2022 I started to tidy up my portion size and looked forward to the NE2.0 release. I dropped a few kilos very slowly. With the determination to put myself in the best position possible physically to have the surgery I made a 100% effort. The firm goal and deadline of surgery on 25th Feb 2023, gave me 2 months. My exercise activities were somewhat limited during this time. I did the best I could with a cranky irritable knee. Had to change my activity plans and have extra rest days. I pushed through and the results came.
This time round I found I learnt a lot more about the principles of the program than I did using the app and was able to make better choices when in a social situation. I had close to zero alcohol throughout the 8 weeks and was able to have 1/2 or 1 glass if I did drink and not complete the bottle! I also took pre photos and measures and resisted jumping on the scales every day! What a game changer!
My clothes were looser, fitness constant and my ribs made an appearance again.
By the time I got to my surgery 8 weeks later I had downloaded 5.6kg of burden from my knee and 26.5cm from my body. I went into that operation in great condition and was able to do things like sit on the floor and get up by the end of week 1. I was walking without any support by week 2 and have continued to improve.
Since the surgery I have mostly stuck to the program principles however my focus has been healing and not weight loss. I have completed several weights sessions, and walk most days 30 -45 mins, I have been swimming and doing my physio and Pilates reformer at home. I am back at work, fully meal prepped when I am working onsite. I still get tired and have to modify all of my exercise programmes to suit my capacity each day. Haven’t quite got back to bike riding yet, but it will come. During the 4 month recovery to date I have continued to fit my looser clothes, hence maintained.
I am now ready to embark again on chipping away on another 8 weeks. I will do NE2.0 again as I know I can follow that and have not attempted most of the activity side from there. My greatest lesson in the new program I feel was having a solid goal to work for and listening to the self-sabotage talk. The talk came at perfect time for me at end of 28 days and stopped me rewarding myself with food treats!
I hope that many others can commit their minds to following this program as it does work. The commitment of self is the hardest part. The ladies in Beach Club and Kim are such great motivators and their support will help if you make the effort!
Do it for you as you matter!
Best wishes Jo