There are a few things that need to be implemented into your day to day when it comes to achieving amazing results. Nutrition is #1 but very close behind is Weight Training! The benefits from weight training far surpasses any other form of exercise when it comes to transforming your body shape. I see so many women opting for classes (some of which do include weights) or slogging it out on the treadmill trying to lose weight and create the shape they want. Yes, cardio is an important element of your training mix but how many of us really enjoy running for an hour on the treadmill? You have to be smart about how you balance your training and if you are a woman than weight training is an absolute must do!

Let’s talk about the benefits and why weight training is essential no matter what age you are:

The benefits of weight training are vast but the key one for me when it comes to fat loss is that in simple terms when you complete a weight session your body will continue to work hard and burn fat for many hours after you have finished, as your body goes through the process of repairing your muscle fibres that have been ripped apart during your workout (this is what causes that sore feeling). This process of rip/repair is really important, taking your body out of its comfort zone and taking your muscles to their limits with perfect technique.

Age is definitely not an issue when it comes to weight training, the older you get the more essential it is to be putting your body under ‘stress’ through providing resistance to your muscles. This process improves your balance through increased core strength which is really important as we age.

Here are my top 5 benefits when it comes to Weight training:






When it comes to creating shape in your body nothing can compare to weight training. I weight train 2-3 days a week and I love the way it makes my body feel and I can control my body weight through weight training and of course the right nutrition (which is 80% of the fat loss equation).

Weight training also provides huge health benefits when it comes to bone density, building strength, balance and even things like lowering your blood pressure and stress levels.

If you are not using weights at the moment I strongly suggest you consider incorporating weights 2-3 times per week into your training regime. If you are new to weight training start off with 2 x full body weights workouts per week allowing 2 days in between each workout to recover.

I also know that it can be intimidating to step out onto the weights floor at the gym so the best way to get around this is either get a friend to train with you or hire a personal trainer to help you get started with the program.

Lifting weights will change your body in a way you never thought possible, it will also make you feel strong, empowered and give you lots more energy every single day.

Lift heavy!

Kim x

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