Welcome to my NO EXCUSES 2.0 PROGRAM
I am so excited to introduce you to my NO EXCUSES 2.0 8 week program which has been specifically designed for Weight Loss. Over the years there has been so many amazing results achieved through my programs especially within the 8 week period. This short time frame gives those who are ready to get some great results a period of time to focus and thrive!
Included in my NO EXCUSES 2.O Program:
Daily eating plan (including an eating plan suitable for vegetarians)
2 x Weights programs (the first for weeks 1-4 / the second for weeks 5-8)
All cardio workouts including HIIT and Moderate Cardio workouts
Goal Setting section to ensure you can record your results throughout the 8 weeks
A progress tracker so you can track your 8 week journey daily
Over 200+ Recipes so you have the variety to stay on track
10 weeks access to our amazing Beach Club support group which includes daily LIVE workouts
My 8 week programs have helped thousands of people achieve their weight loss, fitness and health goals! Having access to a support group that is super positive filled with like-minded women who are there to thrive whilst also ready to support you through your journey.
Super clear and easy to follow!
When it comes to achieving results 80% of it will come down to what you eat, every single meal within NO EXCUSES 2.0 has been designed to stabilise your blood sugar which is key to achieving incredible results. Within NO EXCUSES 2.0 you will have the variety to succeed whilst also learning about what foods to eat when as well as the correct portion sizes. If you love food as much as I do, you will adore this program because of the variety when it comes to the recipe section.
So much variety in my NO EXCUSES 2.0 program when it comes to food - these pics above should get your mouth watering.
My program has an intensive recipe section with over 200+ recipes for you to enjoy and find some of your favourites! These recipes will set you on track for life, all recipes are super easy to create with minimal ingredients.
Recipe section within the program is set out in meals 1-5.
Join NO EXCUSES 2.0 to achieve the results you want, I will be personally be support you on your journey and I can’t wait to see you transform physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually! Over the years witnessing the transformation of each individual success has been amazing, I want this for you as well! I am here to guide you through every step of the way!
Click this link to join now:
I really hope you choose to join me, along with an amazing community of women, all supporting each other and truly embracing a healthy, fit & happy life!
It’s the KB way!
Kim x